Membership in the SAVI Program gives participants the ability to contribute to the definition of the SAVI VIP and the opportunity to gain experience working with industry peers in an extended model-based systems engineering enterprise that is on the leading edge of trends in the industry toward model-based development.
The SAVI Program focuses on solving system integration issues in the context of an extended development organization. Thus, adopting SAVI technology will provide benefits not only to OEM vehicle manufacturers, but also to suppliers at multiple tiers of the supply chain.
While the goal of the program is to establish the SAVI VIP and MR/DEL constructs as open standards, the experience gained during proof of concept and other technical activities support the development of these standards are proprietary to the SAVI team members.
Early Return on Investment (ROI) studies performed under the SAVI Program indicate that the SAVI process will pay for itself on a single aircraft project. This is easily understood from the exponential growth in the cost to fix errors. The benefits of reduced rework flow through the supply chain.
Given industry trends, the SAVI VIP, or similar technology, will likely be required for suppliers in future large system development efforts. Participation in the SAVI Program gives members early experience in this emerging development environment.
Who Will Benefit
The SAVI VIP engages all stakeholders in aircraft system development. OEM vehicle manufacturers and large system integrators will see major benefits from reduced rework caused by integration issues.
Suppliers benefit by enhancing coordination with customers throughout system design effort, thereby more effectively managing requirements changes.
Regulators gain experience understanding how the safety of modern, highly complex systems can be verified using emerging technologies.
Finally system operators benefit from reduced risk of schedule and cost overruns in the development of new systems.
Who may join
Membership in AVSI and, therefore, the SAVI Program is open to all organizations worldwide that have a stake in the development of complex systems. However, participation requires contribution of systems integration subject matter expertise from each member organization. Organizations that provide technologies that support the development of SAVI can engage with the program through various means.
The program currently has Tool Vendor Partners participating under a special agreement as well as subcontractors that provide specific development services.
The SAVI Program is comprised of multiple AVSI Projects. Members share project cost, so cost depends on the number of members and the extent of the project. To date we have been able to keep cash contributions to $25,000 annually. SAVI members also provide a significant in-kind effort typically totaling 1050 person hours annually.
Since the SAVI Program resides within the AVSI research cooperative SAVI members also join AVSI at one of the available membership levels.
To become a member of SAVI or to request more information, complete the information form or call AVSI at 979-845-5568.